We stand on business.
2K+ Community members served
500+ community members supported their neighborhoods through BHC’s Healing House events from 2023-2024.
81.7% of attendees at these events reported learning valuable stress management tools, with drumming, physical movement and relaxation cited as the most impactful activities.
75+ survey respondents reported significant improvements in mood, repeatedly describing feelings of “peace”, “connection”, “release”, and “reduced stress and anxiety” after leaving Healing House events.
50+ community members trained in N.O.W. Program
50+ neighborhood healers trained in trauma-responsive practices, equipping them to lead local wellness initiatives.
95% of trainees reported an increased sense of empowerment and readiness to support their communities in healing.
90% of them described the training as “highly relevant” to their lives and wellness journeys
85% expressed strong satisfaction with our organization skills, content quality and presenter knowledge.
2023-2024 Recap of the N.O.W. Program