Taylor Deed (taylor the Mirror)

BHC Healer

Taylor Deed is an artist and inter-dimensional presence. Practicing as TAYLORTHEMIRROR, thought-forms, words, and spaciousness are her ministry as she reflects the light and depth found within One’s consciousness. Having an encounter with Taylor is often found at moments of transition, when one is in need of inspiration, or as named—a mirror. TAYLORTHEMIRROR facilitates opportunities to heal from within by designing transformative one-on-one and group experiences to witness beauty, Self-evolution, and spiritual gifting. Taylor is native to St. Louis, Missouri. Certificates in community arts, trauma informed teaching, and herbalism are a few of her honors.

Gifts & Practices: Presence / Deep Listening, Energetics/Gridworking, Visual Art (painting, drawing, portraiture, etc.), Written words of wisdom